100 Email Credits


a month
a month Save $24
  • Prospect List Builder
  • Save Results
  • No More Ads!
  • Basic Plugin
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350 Email Credits


a month
a month Save $48
  • Prospect List Builder
  • Save Results
  • No More Ads!
  • Basic Plugin
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1,000 Email Credits


a month
a month Save $228
  • Prospect List Builder
  • Save & Export Results
  • Concurrent Searches
  • Enhanced Plugin
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Most Popular!
2,500 Email Credits


a month
a month Save $468
  • Advanced List Builder
  • REST API Access
  • Salesforce Integration *
  • Elite Plugin
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Questions? 440-340-1450
Try it now! Click here to sign up and get 10 credits a month FREE!

What are Email Credits?

An email credit is a found email.  When we verify an email address, we automatically deduct one credit from your monthly allotment.

What happens if I go over my limit?

If you go over your limit for the current plan, we will prompt you to upgrade to the next account tier or you can purchase rollover credits here.

What is Prospect List Builder?

After running a search, you can add prospects to customizable lists. The maximum number of prospects added to a list per day are:
Lite: 100 per day
Basic: 200 per day
Starter: 300 per day
Pro: 500 per day
All Team Plans: 500 per day per user

* Note: daily list limits are not the same as monthly email credits

What if I want a custom plan?

We are happy to discuss your project or custom requirements. Contact us about custom or high volume plans

Do email credits roll over to the next month?

Email credits don't roll over. At the end of your monthly billing cycle, we'll top you back up to your monthly allocation of email credits.

How do I pay?

Select a plan based on how many emails you need per month (upgrade or downgrade anytime).  Your subscription will automatically renew every 30 days and CueSocial, LLC will appear on your credit card statement.

How do I upgrade, modify or cancel my plan?

Month-to-Month Plans can be upgraded (prorated), downgraded or canceled at any time before your next month automatically renews every 30 days and credits are replenished.

Annual Plans are discounted and your credits will refresh every 30 days for 12 consecutive months at which point your account will renew unless you cancel next years subscription.

What's the difference in Basic, Enhanced & Elite Plugin?

Basic Plugin: great option if you like searching one profile at a time.
Enhanced Plugin: automagically add contacts to a list without waiting for each email to finish running.
Elite Plugin: built for top prospectors who know the value of their time. Request Demo

I don't need a monthly subscription, do you have other options?

Yes, send us an email and tell us what you need or upload a file or purchase rollover credits here.

* Salesforce integration requires API access to your Salesforce acccount: usually avaliable on Enterprise Salesforce subscriptions or higher
** Bounced emails will be credited back to your account if emails are sent with Replyify.com